A panel I moderated for ComiCon@ Home will go live tonight at 5pm Pacific time. More info here.
Educational Role-Playing: Breaking the Mold with the Game Academy
Tabletop and live-action role-playing games have remarkable capabilities for learning at all ages. Get a sneak peek about three projects from The Game Academy, a 501c3 nonprofit: The Scourge of Shiran, a 5e-compatible educationally-themed science fiction adventure designed and written by professional educators for The World of Alessia; The Realm of Canthea is an in-house fantasy world developed by TGA for any fantasy role-playing game, which challenges tropes and expectations along racial, gender, cultural, and political lines for the purpose of illumination and education, and a preview of The Anywear Academy, a $1.2 million-dollar National Science Foundation-funded camp experience for middle-grade girls to learn ubicomp, programming, and community building through a thrilling interactive story with participants utilizing wearable electronics like the micro:bit. With Joshua Archer (president, The Game Academy), Dr. Katherine Isbister (director of UC Santa Cruz’s Social Emotional Technology Lab), Dr. Elena Márquez Segura (assistant professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Ella Dagan (design-researcher at UC Santa Cruz’s Social Emotional Technology Lab), James Fey (design-researcher at UC Santa Cruz’s Social Emotional Technology Lab), Jasmine Florentine (co-designer, The Anywear Academy). Moderated by Aaron Vanek (co-designer, The Anywear Academy)
Links: https://linktr.ee/AaronJV